Welcome to Pineapple Genomics Database
The PGD (Pineapple Genomics database) is a comprehensive platform for the most important tropical fruit pineapple. Data available from PGD includes gene annotation, gene expression, genetic molecular markers, genetic maps, resource of comparative genomics and CAM pathway genes.. PGD also provided some useful genomic tools online. PGD will be updated every six months.
The pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) is a perennial monocot belonging to the family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae, in the order Bromeliales. It is a tropical plant native to South America and the third most important tropical fruit crop after banana and mango.Based on traditional morphology, the pineapple includes nine species distributed in two genera, Ananas and Pseudananas. Later, of these nine species, A. monstrosus was excluded from the two genera on the basis of leaf morphology. During the past decade, the classification was further refined, and the two genera and eight species were downgraded into two species, A. macrodontes and A. comosus, and five botanical varieties of A. comosus, vars. comosus, ananassoides, parguazensis, erectifolius, and bracteatus.

Latest News About PGD
(2017-11-25) Comparative genomics data search was launched.
(2017-10-15) BLAST and JBrowse tool search was launched.
(2017-08-05) Gene family data search was launched.
(2017-07-29) Expression data search was launched.
(2017-07-18) IP data could be searched.
(2017-07-05) SSR data and SNP data search was complete.
(2017-06-27) Gene co-expression was released.
(2017-06-13) CDS could be searched.
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How to cites
[Nov 6, 2016]
[1] Xu H, Yu Q, Shi Y, Hua X, Tang H, Yang L, Ming R, Zhang J. PGD: Pineapple Genomics Database[J]. Horticulture research, 2018 Sep 17;5:66.
[2] Ming R, Vanburen R, Wai C M, et al. The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis[J]. Nature Genetics, 2015, 47(12):1435.
[3] Zhang J, Liu J, Ming R. Genomic analyses of the CAM plant pineapple[J]. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(13):3395.
[4] Ming R, Wai C M, Guyot R. Pineapple Genome: A Reference for Monocots and CAM Photosynthesis[J]. Trends in Genetics, 2016, 32(11):690-696.
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[Oct 18, 2017]